Monday, October 10, 2011

Fan Days is AWESOME.

This morning I got back from Star Wars Fan Days, and it was a super cool event! The fun I had there is actually what finally got me to start my own blog, so I hope to share some highlights from the convention throughout this week.

Welcome to Kit's Korner!

Thanks for checking out my new Star Wars fan blog, Kit's Korner! I'm David Delgado and you may know me as the owner of Echo Base News. Or you may not. Either way, thanks for checking out my new site! This is where I'll be talking Star Wars (and maybe some other stuff once in a while) and hopefully you'll like what I have to say and keep coming back to hear from me. Unlike Echo Base, which has a team of writers working on lots of exciting stuff (interviews, toy reviews, monthly Hasbro Q&A, etc.) to cater to a whole bunch of readers, this site is pretty much for my own fun and entertainment (but I hope some fellow fans enjoy it too). I pretty much love to talk to other fans, so please shoot me an email (click here for the address) and I'll reply. I'm also on Facebook (click here to add me!) and you can hear from me sometimes at Echo Base, too.